Senior Capstone Studio 2013-2014
Senior Capstone Projects from my time as co-instructor during my graduate program at CSU.
I These projects shown showcase the final Senior Capstone projects, These students had spent two full semesters developing these projects into a final product for presentation.
Stepping in as a co-instructor of the senior capstone was quite nostalgic at the time. Being a graduate of the program 10 years before brought back many memories.
Co-instructor for the senior capstone studio. Work in coordination planning organizing, and setting goals for the senior’s final capstone projects and final portfolios. Guide the students one on one providing feedback as they progress throughout the design process. Mentoring students outside of class as requested to provide the support and direction needed to successfully complete their senior year and preparing for entrance into the workforce.
Working along side Dr. Laura Malinin was a blessing. I feel we learned so much from each other. She was a first time instructor of interior design with a background in architecture and teaching. We leaned on each other for our various strengths and appreciated the others contributions. We each had different background in the field of design and thus made it simple for the students to know who to lean on for feedback and support.